In the event of an active shooter, getting yourself to safety is your number one priority. Knowing the difference between cover and conceal can help make that life-saving decision an easier one to make.

Concealment is a crucial factor in active shooter scenarios. What a shooter cannot see, he will not aim for. From what we know of the basics of shooter psychology, most mass shooters care more about body count and will aim for visible, easy targets. Although concealment may hide you from view, it does not necessarily offer you protection from the fire of hostile weapons. If possible, choose structural concealment of concrete or steel for your best options.

Cover is protection from incoming projectiles. This may include ballistic rated glass, fiberglass panels, steel sheeting, Kevlar reinforced products and more. In this case, cover may not necessarily hide you from view, but it offers the ballistic protection you need. A great example is ballistic glass situated into a door, transaction window, or window. It will not hide you from view, but it will offer safety from flying bullets.

SafeWood Designs offers several products that classify as both cover and concealment. Our UL752 Rated bullet resistant fiberglass panels are by far the easiest way to enhance the security in your space. These panels can be hidden within walls beneath the drywall, laminated with veneer or PLAM and attached to existing walls or they can be custom retrofitted to furniture such as reception desks.

Another option is the SafeShutter™ and SafeSlideout™. Dual-usage SafeShutter™ can be utilized everyday as a whiteboard or tackboard but doubles as an emergency bullet resistant shield for immediate protection. Bullet resistant doors are also a great addition to any safe zone. With over 100 combined years of millwork and woodworking experience, we can match any existing door in your environment, leaving your interior décor intact and offering discreet protection.

In conclusion, being proactive and identifying safe cover and conceal places to go in your everyday environments will bring you one step closer to ensuring your safety. Interested in a safe room or security upgrades? Our physical security experts are standing by to help answer all your questions and give recommendations for your individual needs.