SafeWood Designs™ has a clear mission and that is to enhance the safety and security in all places you live, learn, work, worship, and play.

SafeWood Designs origins began in response to several shootings at glass storefront systems that failed to protect the occupants, even when the doors were locked. As a direct result of these event, our founder was motivated to invent a storefront system that would utilize custom millwork techniques, maintain a warm and inviting look, but is also bullet resistant. Fast forward to January of 2018, our founder’s bullet resistant wood storefront received 13 patents.
On February 14, 2018, the unthinkable happens. A gunman enters Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School killing 14 students and 3 staff members. Shortly after the details of this shooting were released, parents began demanding warm and inviting, non-threatening, security enhancements in schools. Safe Schools Safe Kids was formed in response to those demands.
In May of 2018 Safe Schools Safe Kids combined efforts with the Minnesota State Legislature to enhance school safety and security with a bipartisan group of legislators. Unfortunately, the Legislature only approved limited funding. As interest increased from market segments other than schools, it became clear that the Safe Schools Safe Kids name was limiting our ability to increase safety and security in other facilities. Thus, Safe Schools Safe Kids was renamed to SafeWood Designs, Inc. and the company we are today was born.
SafeWood Designs, Inc continues to innovate as the market leader for wood bullet resistant products designed to enhance the safety and security of all the places we live, learn, work, worship and play.
Markets Served
- Educational Facilities
- Residential
- Commercial
- Courts and Government Buildings
- News Stations
- Hospitals and Clinics
- Places of Worship
- Dispensaries
Wood Bullet Resistant Products:
- Doors (Including Barn Doors)
- Patented Frames & Jambs
- Windows
- Transaction Windows
- Storefront Systems
- Hardware Systems
- Furniture
- UL752 Wall Panels (Raw, PLAM’d or Paint-Ready MDF)
- Historical Replication
- Whiteboards & Tackboards
- Retrofit
- Safe Rooms